If you do not turn on rounding rules, Hours Timelord does not round your time automatically. If you want to change that, tap the gear icon on the menu bar, then select Format & Rounding.

Snapping changes the increment that an entry's start time will snap to when a timer is started. Rounding changes the increment an entry's end time will adjust to based on when you stop a timer.

Remember that when a timer is no longer running and you have rounding on, the actual time will never be saved; only the adjusted start/end time that honors your rounding preferences.

For a quick guide on the expected end result of certain rounding/snapping preferences, see the grid below:

Column legend:

  1. Actual time
  2. 15m rounding is on
  3. 15m rounding is on + always round up
  4. 15m rounding is on + snap back
  5. 15m rounding is on + always round up + snap back
  6. 15m rounding is on + snap to the closest
  7. 15m rounding is on + always round up + snap to the closest